Store Vildmose

- sub-project no. 3

Store Vildmose

The project area is 487.84 ha and is located in Jammerbugt Municipality. It is part of a former large raised bog area and consists of areas with active raised bog (7110), forested peat bog (91D0) and occasionally wet meadow (6410) (the latter is registered in the latest baseline analysis as degraded raised bog (7120)) and areas that cannot be attributed to habitat nature types but are protected under the National Nature Conservation Act.  The entire project area is covered by Natura 2000 area no. 12, which amounts to a total of 1853 ha.

Store Vildmose is today threatened by eutrophication and drying out. These problems lead to overgrowth with woody plants, primarily Betula pubescens. 

Another factor that has played a major role in the area's current condition is peat digging and drainage in this connection, as well as securing the neighboring areas for agricultural purposes. In the raised bog there are several unusual plant species, as the nature type has a special hydrology and is nutrient poor, for example Mulberry (Rubus chamaemorus), Rosemary heather (Andromeda polifolia) Bell heather (Erica tetralix), and several species of Sphagnum, as well as of the carnivorous plants Sundew ( Drosera sp.).

Dam in Aaby Mose is complete

The large dam in Aaby Mose, Store Vildmose has now been completed and has been inaugurated by Green Council from Jammerbugt Municipality. A membrane is placed in the dam. The membrane is more than 3 kilometers long and 5 meters high at the highest points. The dam has been completed in record time due to favorable weather conditions that allowed work to be carried out over the winter of 2018/2019. Therefore, it is completed 15 months ahead of schedule. It was celebrated by the Green Council in September 2019.


Construction work has startes in Aaby Mose

The work to lay down a plastic membrane around the southern part of Store Vildmose has started. The work started in Aaby Mose in week 42 and will continue as long as the weather permits. The rest of the work will be carried out in periods of 2019 and 2020.


Presentation of project in Store Vildmose

Jammerbugt Municipality, in collaboration with Brønderslev Municipality and a number of citizens and organisations, has completed a project to make the values of Store Vildmose visible to tourists and citizens. The project comprised improved signposting, renovation of the parking space at Trædestenene, mini-film and new information boards. The project was inaugurated at Vildmoseporten on 23 May 2015.


Aaby Mose (Store Vildmose) before and after

Nature photographer Morten Hilmer has followed the project to have a dam built to improve the hydrology, and to have trees cleared on the raised bog surface.